17 Sep

Fibroblast Skin Tightening : Tint Maine

Have you heard about Fibroblast Skin Tightening? If you’re looking for this kind of service or looking to learn more check out Tint Maine. Fibroblast Skin Tightening is also referred to as a “soft surgery”, it is called this because the procedure delivers results similar to surgery. Although this procedure is often preferred because of the minimal downtime. It is also minimally invasive and is offered at a more affordable price. It is also preferred to the traditional surgery because there is no skin cutting, which means stitches are not needed and you can get back to normal much quicker.

Fibroblast Skin Tightening With Tint Maine

Fibroblast Skin Tightening is a relatively new treatment in North America, but has been used in the UK for years. The treatment is done with an extremely accurate device that creates an electrical arc that instantly shrinks the targeted area of the skin. The reaction of the skin to tightly fives the same results as an invasive surgery. Another great thing about this procedure is that it can be applied to different areas of the body. You can get Fibroblast Skin Tightening on your eyelids, acne scar, stretch marks, pigmented areas of the skin as well as any sagging skin on your face, body and neck. If you’re looking to give yourself a renewed look and feel, get in touch with the professionals at Tint Maine.

These types of procedures aren’t something you want done by just anyone. That’s why it is important to know the treatment center you’re going to. Tint Maine’s clients have nothing but great things to say about the results they’ve had as well as their customer service. Tint Maine is very open with their clients, answering any questions even technical ones. They also want to be very upfront about what you can expect after your Fibroblast Skin Tightening.

What to expect after the procedure.

Like I mentioned above of the of benefits of this procedure opposed to surgery is that there is minimal downtime. During the healing process you can expect to see small pink dots in the treated area. These small dots will begin to fade and heal over the week following your procedure. When you go to Tint Maine for your Fibroblast Skin Tightening procedure. You can expect to leave with everything you would need for your aftercare, at not extra charge. They will stay connected with you throughout your healing process to answer any questions you may have. Between 5-14 days the scabs that have formed will begin to naturally fall away. It is essential that you don’t help this process along for fear of scarring. You should begin to notice skin tightening over the next 4-8 weeks after the procedure.