16 May

Windham Maine Roofing

In the market for a Windham Maine Roofing company? 4Leaf Construction and Property Management is experienced with every type of roof you can find in the Greater Portland Area and is ready to help you with yours. Whether it’s an emergency or becoming an emergency, or if you’re one of the few who know when they need to act before problems begin to arise. Contact them to get your quote today!

Windham Maine Roofing Experts

Don’t wait to get your roof inspected. If you aren’t sure when the last time your roof was inspected than you should call 4Leaf today. Even if you do know when it was and it was longer than 5 years ago, you should also call 4Leaf today! It’s important to know the status of your roof, so you can plan and save for its replacement. Don’t put it off! 4Leaf Construction is ready and able to inspect, repair, or replace your roof. Weather in the world is becoming more extreme, and that puts your roof under more strain.

How to Tell if you Need a New Roof

There are many tell tale signs that your roof may need repair or replacement. 4Leaf Construction are experts in spotting them, but you should also be aware of these signs.

-Dampness within your home attic. If moisture is seeping into your home, or not escaping, something is off.

-If your cooling and/or heating bill has been rising steadily for months (outside of utility price changes).

-When you can see visible distortion of siding or roof shingles, like outward bulges.

-If your siding or roofing is deeply stained, even on dry days.

-When certain materials are lighter in color in some areas than others.

Now is the time to get your roof inspected. If it needs repair or replacement have 4Leaf take care of it with care and professional pride. Additionally, they can take care of your siding needs as well. However they do more than just roofing and siding. 4Leaf Construction have a list of services including property management.