16 Mar

Permanent Make-up

Make-up has come so far, so far that you can have permanent make-up applied so you don’t have to do it daily. Permanent make-up is known by a few different names, including micro pigmentation, permanent cosmetics and even derma-pigmentation. This revolutionary permanent make-up deposits quality face pigments directly into the dermal layer of your skin. There are a number of different applications for permanent make-up.

At Tint Maine they can design and enhance an eyebrow, an eyeliner, or even enhance your lips. The professionals at Tint Maine have the tools and experience to create a powdered or feathered hair stroke to fill in thin eyebrows or even make them appear thicker and bolder. Perhaps you love the way your eyebrows look and would love a little lip enhancement. They can do that too! Tint Maine can add natural coloring into a faded lip line. If I’ve peaked your interested about permanent make-up let me take a moment and walk you through the process.

permanent make-up

To have permanent cosmetics applied at Tint Maine you must first complete a consultation. They will then apply the pigmentation as you discussed in the consultation. After the first application there will be at least one more follow up visit to evaluate the color and healing process. Now permanent cosmetics is not for everyone and it is very important you consult with the professionals at Tint Maine.