10 Mar

Truck Lettering

Now some of you may not know exactly what truck lettering is, well that’s why I am here to provide some education. I often used to think that truck lettering and vehicle wraps were the same thing. Boy was I surprised to learn there is quote the difference between the two. Sebago Signworks did such a great job on their website explaining it I was not longer confused!

While vehicle wraps are usually a more expensive, and time consuming job. Truck lettering can be done for much less as well as takes a fraction of the time to complete the job. Instead of literally wrapping parts of or your entire vehicle in graphics. Truck lettering is placing vinyl stickers onto specific places on your vehicle. It is a cost effective marketing strategy, turning your work truck into a moving billboard. Make your work truck or whole working fleet stand out from all the other vehicles on the road with truck lettering from Sebago Signworks.

Not only will truck lettering turn your vehicle into a moving billboard, it is also a great way to let people know how to get a hold of you. Say you’ve just completed a job for a customer and a potential client walks by in amazement. They can easily get your contact information off of your lettered truck! If you’re interested in turning your work truck into more than just a vehicle, get in touch with Sebago Signworks today!