23 Nov

Global Safety

There is nothing more that unites us as a globe than the threat of global security and global safety. Luckily for us there is a company out there that has made global safety their top priority. Global Life Safety Alliance are fast becoming the global safety experts. They have only one goal, to work with the security industry to do all they can to keep the globe safe.

Global Life Safety Alliance has a vision about global safety, to be respected, reliable and trusted global authority on best practices for global security. GLSA is highly committed to keeping conversations open with the public and private stakeholders about the emerging safety practices throughout our changing global safety environment. Global Life Safety Alliance came together to increase the level of communication, expertise and knowledge about global safety.

The Global Life Safety Alliance works within a number of different sectors, all revolving around global safety, including; technology adoption, compliance networking, education and global safety training, training certification programs, informational databases and industry calendars and integration of public and private life and emergency systems. In this ever changing world, it is good to know that a group of experienced and intelligent people are out there looking out for global safety.