13 Jan

Maine Business Lawyer

Maine Business Lawyer Steven Cope is here to provide legal assistance and advice for Maine’s small businesses. Visit his website and meet with Steven if you own a small business and are having legal issues or if you need help. Steven Cope is a great source of advice as well as services pertaining to small businesses in Maine. He can help you with commercial litigation, representing you and your business to his best abilities. This can include anti-trust, unfair practices, and trade regulation violation cases. Steven can also help resolve banking and creditor issues, including lender liability. If you are dealing with a breach of contract or warranty, Steven can also help represent you. He can assist intellectual property owners in protecting their trademarks and copywrites. Steven has a whole list of services on his website. Check it out to learn more about all of them.

Maine Business Lawyer

Steven Cope is a Portland-based lawyer whose focus is on helping small business owners open, and grow their businesses. He has been helping Mainers with various businesses for over 35 years. He is a particularly well-known and recognized authority in bankruptcy law. Helping people recover when businesses fail or go under. If you are in need of legal services for bankruptcy or to open a new business, Steven is a great resource. He understands the full cycle of a business’s life and the many different paths that can be taken toward success and failure. He is a great advisor and can help you sort out where you want to take your business. Contact him and learn more on his website.