29 Nov

Maine Permanent Makeup

Are you curious about Maine permanent makeup artists and how you could wake up with your makeup done every day? Whether you’re tired of the routine in the morning or you are looking to keep your preferred look intact, permanent cosmetics can be a great solution. Start by scheduling a consultation with Tint to discuss your options and desired outcome. Tint is a great local business committed to helping you look your best. Their Maine permanent makeup artists are ready to help bring that look out in you. For all genders of all ages.

What is Permanent Cosmetics?

Permanent makeup, also known as permanent cosmetics, micro-pigmentation, or derma-pigmentation, is the new and revolutionary process of inserting high-quality face pigments into the dermal layer of the skin. Similar to techniques used for body art tattoos, permanent makeup enables custom designs and enhancement of your eyebrows, eye-line, and lips. These applications are always made to match the skin tone, facial structure, and hair color of the customer.

More than meets the eye

These enhancements can be for more than just simple vanity and time saving. Permanent makeup is a great option for those with scars, or skin irregularities, genetic abnormalities, and diseases like cancer. Not only that, but you can choose how outspoken your look is. You can go simple and elegant, or loud and dramatic with color and shading options, and other details to work out during your consultation. The choice is yours!

Browse your brow choices

Tint has many great choices for Maine permanent makeup customers looking to finalize their look. Eyebrow Microblading can be a good and affordable option for those looking for a thicker looking brow. This technique is better for those worried about the permanence of permanent makeup. Permanent eyebrows are the next step up, with a different tool than microblading. This includes more options for pigment shading and texture of hair strokes, and other choices for brow boldness and thickness.

Eyeliner and lip color

Brighten up your lip color or change it with permanent lip pigmentation. Stop your lip color from fading or choose the color of your preferred lipstick to save time and effort, and no more smearing! Eyeliner tattoos can also be a great choice for those who don’t leave the house without eyeliner. Present thicker lashes or more defined eyes.

Don’t avoid makeup anymore

Tint’s Maine permanent makeup services are perfect for those who avoid putting on makeup for things like allergies and sensitivities. It’s also great for those who want to put on makeup but are often behind schedule or don’t have time. So don’t avoid it anymore! Contact Tint for a consultation today, or learn more by clicking here.