26 Aug

Global Life Safety Alliance

If you have interest in global security, but have not taken an interest in the group Global Life Safety Alliance, than it might be time! The Global Life Safety Alliance is a group of security professionals that share a common vision and mission. The vision of being part of a respected, reliable global authority on the best practices in regards for Global Security. If you are interested in perhaps joining this alliance. Or are just looking for a good resource to stay updated on global security.

If Global Life Safety Alliance sounds like an alliance that you can get behind. Take the time to check out their website. You will find a full list of active members. As well as some great blog articles about the security things going on in the world. Global Life Safety Alliance is committed to keeping open conversations amongst the public and private stakeholders. They does this to address current and emerging safety practices in this ever changing environment.

GLSA is a great place to find the latest data in a number of different global security sectors. They work in the sector of education and global safety training, technology adoption, compliance networking, informational database and so much more. Once you visit their website, be sure to bookmark it. So you can check back on their latest blog posts and stay up to date yourself!