30 Jun

Eco Friendly Floss : Dental Lace

There are so many things in this world at the moment that have given me pause on my waste production. That’s what drove me to look into eco friendly floss. I was thrilled to find a local Maine company, Dental Lace, that makes and sells this product. Along with a number of other sustainable dental products. The founder of Dental Lace took her passion for oral hygiene, sustainability and managed to turn it into a tool to educate people about zero waste dental products.

Now, about the eco friendly floss product. Dental Lace has created a completely refillable floss that is 100% zero waste. They have come up with a couple different eco friendly floss products. They have both a 100% silk option as well as a plant based vegan floss. Both of these products are completely biodegradable! These floss products are wrapped and sealed inside a either a glass or stainless steel container. OR you could even order it to come inside compostable refill bags. They even went further to ensure that even their packaging is made only out of post-consumer paperboard. When you choose Dental Lace, not only do you get eco friendly floss. You can also rest easy knowing that the packaging is make from recycled products. Not to mention that their branding sticker are compostable and made from sugar cane!

If I have yet to convince you to make the switch from traditional floss to eco friendly floss. It might be to your advantage to check out Dental Lace’s website. Not only will you be able to browse all of their sustainable dental products. You will also get more of an opportunity to learn about the company, it’s founder and their mission. Making the switch to sustainable dental products might not seem like it will make a large impact. I would beg to differ and so would the founder of Dental Lace. They believe in this mission so much that they even have a book for sale on their site entitled, “101 Ways To Go Zero Waste”.