30 Nov

Maine Water Testing : AWT

If you’re like most homeowners in Maine you probably get your water from a well, which means that you will need Maine water testing done. Water that comes straight out of the ground is may not be safe for your and your family to drink. Even if you don’t notice any odors or funky taste in your water, it still may not be safe to drink. That’s why the experts at Affordable Water Treatment have made it their mission to help Mainer’s test their well water.

If your home has a dug or shallow well, your chances greatly increase that there might be bacteria or viruses in your water supply. There is also a possibility, not matter what type of well you have, that your water could contain arsenic, radon or uranium. Especially here in Maine where we essentially live on top of bedrock, chemicals in our water is more likely. Now you may be thinking no big deal, we live with germs and chemicals everyday. That may be true, but with something like water where you are consuming it and exposing your skin to it on a daily basis, there is much more risk. Having germs or bacteria in your water supply could result in upset stomachs. As we get into the chemical exposure like arsenic, radon and uranium, the side effects are much more severe.

Even if you’ve had Maine water testing done on your home in the past, it is recommended by Affordable Water Treatment to have it tested every 3 to 5 years. No matter the results of your Maine water test, these water experts can offer advice and provide services to make your water safer for your family. If you have suspicions that your water may be contaminated be sure to give Affordable Water Treatment a call today!