21 Apr

Global Security

Have you ever stopped to think about global security? When I even try to think about it, I quickly get overwhelmed. Can you imagine trying to protect and secure the entire globe?! Well even though it seems like a lot to me, the amazing team of people at Global Life Safety Alliance and all of their allies are on top of things. They know that even though global security may seem too much to tackle, they know how important it is. It is their mission to maintain conversations with both the public and private stakeholders, addressing the current and ever changing life safety practices all over our always changing global environment.

If you’re interested in learning more about how this amazing group is working towards keeping everyone informed about global security risks, best practices and new technologies. They want everyone to be able to get their hands on data on global security in a number of different sectors. These sectors include education and global safety training, adopting new technologies, compliance networking, integration of public and private life and emergency systems. They provide access and data to all of those sectors as well as the global, international, national and regional level best practices. Global Life Safety Alliance is working hard to become the respected, reliable and trusted global authority on the best practices for global security. Global Life Safety Alliance (GLSA) is a non-profit, who strives to be a forward thinking life safety alliance that gathers knowledge from experts on technology, innovations and first hand experiences.

global security

This team of people are doing a great job in finding out new information about global security and sharing it with the everyday public who may not have been in the loop. They want to bring the everyday people into the know about how security affects us all and what we can all do to improve it. If you’re interested in being kept up to date on new security technologies, webinars, conferences and more, subscribe to Global Life Safety Alliance’s newsletter today!