23 Nov

Efficiency Maine

If you are lucky enough to live in Maine you might have heard about efficiency Maine. This is a state wide program offering rebates and incentives for Maine home and business owners to switch heating systems to green systems, energy efficient systems. There are a number of websites that you can go to to check what rebates are available for the types of units you’re looking to replace. Or you can just contact the efficiency Maine experts at Gelinas HVAC.

We are well aware that when living in New England, heating systems are one of the most crucial systems in our homes and businesses. Heating systems can also be one of the largest investments you can make in your home or business. Gelinas HVAC has a team of licensed technicians who stay up to date on all the latest technology and efficiency Maine offerings. Gelinas HVAC is here to help you decide the best course heating system for you. They will also take the time to explain all of the efficiency Maine offerings as well as what you specifically qualify for.

If you’re ready to make the switch to a energy efficient heating system and would like to know what efficiency Maine offerings are available, the experts at Gelinas HVAC are here to help. They even offer free estimates and consultations, allowing you to assess all of your options without having to make a financial commitment. When working with Gelinas HVAC you are guaranteed the best quality work, equipment and the most up to date efficiency Maine offerings.