30 Oct

Custom Rope Splicing

I have recently learned about a company here in Maine called The Rope Guru. Yup, just as it sounds, they are rope experts! Now when I heard about them I thought to myself, “What in the world does a rope company do? Make rope?”. Well as it turns out the possibilities for a rope company are endless. They offer a large number of services to suite all of your rope needs.

These Rope Guru’s can make winch lines for all types of utility line trucks, install eye splices for transmission & distribution pulling lines, create climbing lines along with rigging lines for those tree climbers out there. The service list doesn’t stop there, these custom rope splicing experts can create slings for lifting heavy objects and so much more. These rope professionals don’t just sell all type of rope related products, they also offer on-site inspections of your current equipment. They also take their business one step further and offer virtual classrooms to offer advanced learning of synthetic ropes along with how to inspect different fibers and construction types and how to use them.

I think what sets these custom rope splicing experts apart is their willingness to educate their customs. Who knew there were so many different types of rope, and uses for each of those types! Whether you’re an arborist, work in construction, deal with electrical utilities or just love to go off roading or get your ATV’s stuck in the mud, this is the right rope company for you.