23 Jun

Maine Fire & Security

Maine Fire & Security is an excellent Maine business ready to help you keep your home and family safe. There are a lot of reasons to install fire safety and security equipment in your home. The obvious being that if a fire starts, you want your family to get out of the home as quickly as possible. Additionally, if there is a break-in, while home or away, you want the authorities notified immediately. However, there are many other reasons to want these devices installed in your home. For one, it can make your insurance a lot cheaper. Having fire safety and security equipment in your home makes your home safer, meaning insurance is less likely going to be needed for big expenses like medical and construction or renovation. Insurance is based mostly on statistics, and you improve yours when you have proper fire alarms, sprinklers, and security alarms.

Maine Fire & Security

There are also other products you may be interested in. If you have more than 1 floor of your home, it would behoove you to have an emergency escape ladder in each room above the first floor. This way if a fire blocks and exit, you still have an escape route out a window.

23 Jun

Maine Web Development

Maine Web Development from Zebralove Web Solutions is the best way to get the website you want without spending an absurd amount of money for it. There are a lot of web designers out there. Some freelance, and many businesses. However, one thing we’ve noticed is there are a lot of people who want to take a lot of money from you. Then they give you a website that doesn’t completely serve your business. There are businesses that charge you monthly for a website they built in a few hours. You pay for very little after the site is made and often cannot get in touch with them when you want to make some changes. Zebralove is here to not only build your website for a set price, not a monthly fee, but also will respond to you and your needs after the site is launched.

maine web development

Maine Web Development

Don’t waste your money. Hire a web developer who is responsive and doesn’t overcharge. Zebralove Web Solutions has a lot more services you can take advantage of. Search engine optimization and hosting are two of their best services. Web hosting is available from many companies, and Zebralove isn’t the cheapest, but they do provide a lot of extras. Learn more on their website today!

15 Jun

Boston Antiques

Boston Antiques from Antiques Period in Boston, MA and Kittery, Maine is the place to get quality, valuable antiques to furnish your home or office. With history for each piece, you can theme your home from a specific figure of history, or match the style of so many vintage aesthetics. There are many places you can go to find antiques, but the history and eloquence of the piece are often lost in the shuffle. It’s one thing to have a home with antique furniture. It’s a whole other thing to know where each piece came from, whose home it lived in, and who might have used it. Don’t have it just for show. In fact, many of these pieces are fully useable. This isn’t furniture for your historic tour. It’s furniture for design and status.

Boston Antiques

Boston Antiques

Antiques Period has two great showrooms. One in Boston, MA and one in Kittery, Maine. You cannot buy these items online, but you can schedule an in-person viewing. This is because to fully appreciate these pieces you must see them in person. There are other security and financial reasons as well. However, these are not items that you should be just throwing in a shopping cart and buying. Each piece says something and it’s important to take in its physical presence.

31 May

Radon Testing

Radon Testing with Maine Radon Pro is the best way to make sure your family and friends are safe from this dangerous radiation on your home property. Radon is a serious issue and is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer, behind cigarettes. It’s important to know if there is any radon on your property. When a home is sold in Maine, it is a requirement to test the property for radon levels. Three out of four homes in Maine have been testing higher than safe levels of radon. What is it though?

radon testing

Radon Testing

Radon is a dangerous form of radiation that is able to seep through most materials. Concrete, soil/dirt, rocks, and it can even seep into your water supply. That’s why it’s so important to test for. Radon could be seeping into your home’s air or water and you wouldn’t even know it. It’s not terribly dangerous in short-term exposures. However, it has a cumulative effect that can ruin your lungs. The longer you are breathing or drinking radon, the more damage it does to your body. This is why it’s so important to test. It is a legal requirement in Maine to test a home’s radon levels when it’s being inspected for sale.

31 May

Maine Lawn Mowing Services

Maine Lawn Mowing Services from AC Yard Services is the best way to keep your property looking amazing all year long. AC Yard Services is a great company to have care for your property. They have great options to meet most budgets, and they can save you so much time this season. They have yearly plans as well as seasonal ones. The yearly plans, however, include snow plowing in the winter. A great value to keep your driveway clear. The services they provide for your landscaping are all-encompassing. They do the mowing, trimming, weed whacking, edging, over-seeding, aeration, dethatching and more.

Maine Lawn Mowing Services

Maine Lawn Mowing Services

Why break your back and sweat all day to try to get your lawn looking decent when you can have AC Yard Services come and clean it up in an hour or so and make it look spectacular? It really is a lot of time and effort you need to put into landscaping your property yourself. With AC Yard Services, they have the equipment and team to get all the work done on your property quickly. They make it seem easy. However, we know it isn’t after we’ve spent 4 hours outside and our progress looks like half of what they did in an hour.

19 May

Windham Maine Plumbing

Windham Maine Plumbing from 207 Plumbing and Heating is the best call to make when you are in need of plumbing services. There are a lot of plumbers around but when you need the job done right call 207 P&H. They offer installations on sinks, showers, toilets, dishwashers, and water heaters, as well as declogging for your pipes, or your septic, and septic pumping. They also inspect your homes plumbing systems for leaks and other issues. However, as the name implies, they do more than just plumbing. 207 Plumbing and Heating also specialize in heating systems. They can fix, maintain, or replace your heating system. Additionally, they can install heat pumps in your home.

Windham Maine Plumbing

In addition to plumbing and regular heating services, installing and maintaining heat pumps is becoming increasingly popular. Heat pumps have been very popular recently. The reason is they are extremely efficient, they heat and cool, they are relatively quick to install, and less expensive than a full heating system. For all these reasons, Mainers have been buying heat pumps like crazy. They are perfect for small and medium-sized homes. For larger homes, they make a perfect supplementary temperature modifier for areas of your home your heater has a hard time reaching.

19 May

Handmade Upright Basses

Handmade Upright Basses from Upton Bass are the best selection of American-Made orchestral instruments you can find. Upton Bass prides itself in having not only an excellent selection of bass and cellos, but also instruments that fit all budgets. They have selections for students, hobbyists, professional musicians, and everything in between. Upton Bass also uses Affirm to help buyers spread out the cost and pay over time. Upton Bass understands the economic difficulties of the music industry and overall economy and wants to make sure that musicians can continue to play. They also have a used selection of both Vintage and less special but still beautiful-sounding bass, cellos, and violins.

handmade upright basses

Handmade Upright Basses

Upton Bass makes their basses and cellos right in-house. They have their own manufacturing facility to control the process themselves. They started out by ordering specific parts and building the instruments, now they produce them independently. Upton Bass has its own style conveniently named “Upton Style” which is a hybrid of sorts. Learn more on the Upton Bass website. They also repair instruments. If you have a broken bass, cello, or violin, they can repair it. Don’t let an instrument fall into disrepair and eventually the trash. Keep that instrument alive by sending it into Upton Bass.

19 May

Trade Show Displays

Trade Show Displays from Sebago Sign Works are the best way to showcase your business and attract attention at a trade show. Trade shows are a great place to network and grow your client list. However, if you aren’t noticeable, you will miss out on a lot of potential business. Having a large, colorful, and branded display with your business’s name on it will help tremendously. There are many types of signs and displays you should have at your trade show booth. Having signage and information in an easily consumable way entices new visitors.

Trade Show Displays

Trade shows are a hub of activity. If you aren’t engaging with people as they pass, you won’t catch anything. Displays can take a lot of the pressure off. Having some type of entertaining sign, whether it’s funny, colorful and pretty, or interesting in some fashion, will increase your attention 10 fold. Sebago Sign Works specializes in signs of all kinds. They can easily make you a booths worth of signs, displays, and eye-catching visuals to make starting the conversation easier. They do a lot more than that, however. You can have your business vehicle (or whole fleet) branded with vehicle wraps and truck lettering.

19 May

Leadership Assessment Tools

Leadership assessment tools with Priority Learning help you learn where your strengths are and where you need some work on your leadership skills. These assessments include tools like Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, Firo and Firo Business, California Psychological Indicator, the EQ-i, Leadership EQ, EQ for personal coaching, and more. These indicators aren’t pass/fail assessments. They are truly revealing about the personality and communication of the person in question. Focusing on what types of communication they lean towards, and how that interacts with others. Learning about your own communication and personality types can help you navigate others more easily.

leadership assessment tools

Leadership Assessment Tools

Priority Learning focuses on organizational culture and leadership coaching. Guiding people in leadership positions to get better results out of their team and themselves. Organizational Culture starts at the top of an organization. By encouraging your leaders to learn how to better communicate and how to lead their subordinates you (the executive) will see your business become more productive. This isn’t because your leaders are putting the screws to your workers. It’s because they create an environment where the workers feel heard, and are invested in the success of the organization, and thus, want to do better. Invested employees are more productive. Learn more from Priority Learning. Visit their website.

19 May

Historic Restoration

Historic Restoration from Kronenberger & Sons is the best way to restore old doors, windows, and other fixtures in your home or building. They are equipped and experienced in returning your home’s antique and vintage fixtures into clean, safe, and beautiful pieces again. What do we mean by safe? Well, up until the 1970’s lead and asbestos were common ingredients in home and building construction. As such, many older homes still have these materials inside of them. When Kronenberger & Sons restores them, these materials are exposed. For safety, the team at K&S safely remove this hazardous material, and then restore the piece to its former glory. This keeps them safe while they do their work, and it keep you and your family safe too.

Historic Restoration

Take a look at the K&S website, and check out their portfolio. They’ve done work on homes, farms, barns, town halls, churches, steeples, clock towers, libraries, and many more. You can actually search through their portfolio for specific types of projects, like schools, which they’ve also restored. A mot of their work on things like doors and windows requires removal of these objects and taken to a safe working space for restoration. Learn more about that process on their website as well.