23 Feb

Electrician Plymouth County Massachusetts

Electrician Plymouth County Massachusetts Marshfield Electric is here to fix any issues with your electricity or install new wiring or even electric vehicle chargers. Marshfield Electric is ready and able to take care of all of your electrical problems. They are also a great choice for installing new electrical circuits or high-voltage electric vehicle chargers. Learn more about what they do on their website, or keep reading!

Electrician Plymouth County Massachusetts

Plymouth Mass folks should rest easy knowing they have an electrical expert a phone call away. Home electricity projects can be very dangerous. It’s important to know what you’re doing, and not just think you know what you’re doing. This is why most states, like Massachusetts, mandate certifications and license electricians, to mitigate mistakes and harmful situations. Marshfield Electric does a lot more than basic electrical repair. They are also the perfect choice if you need any new equipment like meters or power panels, GFCI outlets, smoke detectors, and even smart home devices.

Smart home devices like app and voice-controlled lights, central air adjustments, and even plumbing switches can be installed into your home. The Internet Of Things is making many “futuristic” things possible. You can control the utilities of your home from an app on your phone while you’re out to dinner. Or check on the status of your home while you’re away on vacation. This is just one of the services Marshfield Electric provides. Another great service they provide is electric vehicle chargers. If you own an electric vehicle and are charging it with a stage one charger, you’re spending a lot of time waiting when you could be driving. Learn more from their website!

23 Feb

Maine Organizational Development

Maine Organizational Development from Priority Learning is the best way to grow your business while increasing the performance of your employees. It makes perfect sense when you look at it completely. Having a positive and supportive business culture is much more productive than a strict and rigid culture. Business culture is a special thing. Every organization has a culture, every group of humans, big or small, has a culture. This is why it’s important for an executive or leader to pay attention and mold that culture. Employees who aren’t motivated, are bored, or even worse anxious to be at work are not productive employees. At least they aren’t as productive as they could be. When people are emotionally invested in the business they work for, they do much better work. Studies have shown this.

Maine Organizational Development

Priority Learning is an organization dedicated to not only coaching leaders and people of potential but also the culture of your business. Learning how to be a leader is incredibly helpful, but if you aren’t using that leadership position to promote a healthy work culture, you may not be reaching your group’s potential. Encouraging participation and expression is important. Allowing your people to suggest ideas, and forming committees to help the business culture become more inclusive can go a long way. If you show interest and emotional investment in your employees, you will see them return that emotional investment in their work. If the majority of the company becomes emotionally invested, you will see massive improvement. Learn more about Organizational Development & Culture. Visit Priority Learning’s website to see how you can improve your business culture. Don’t hesitate!

23 Feb

Low Voltage Wiring

Low Voltage Wiring installations from Downeast Audio/Video is an excellent way to prepare your home for entertainment connectivity. Many speakers and home theater units use low-voltage to connect all of their devices and send the proper signals to them. Having these installed in your home, whether before it’s finished construction or after, can make installing new home theater technology easy in the future. Or if you are looking for a home theater solution now, it might be best to install these first. Unless you enjoy wires hanging and laying across your living room. Get started immediately. Having low-voltage installed throughout your home can also be a benefit. If you want to have a home-wide connected music system, you’ll either need expensive wireless speakers or a low-voltage installation.

Low Voltage Wiring

Make your home the way you want it! If you want to be able to listen to the same music throughout your home, this is a must-have. Wiring is one of the biggest hassles of the technological scene. having wires lying across your floor and along your wall looks tacky. Installing them into your walls makes your home look high-tech. Just having the connections looks cool, even if you don’t use them! But using them is much cooler. Having high-fidelity audio throughout your home allows you to set the mood in every room. Throw a party and don’t worry about blasting the music in the living room so the folks in the kitchen can hear it. Now you can play music at a reasonable level and keep every room dancing.

23 Feb

Upton Bass

Upton Bass is the best place to buy new and used double bass, cellos, and violins. Learn more on their website now! Upton Bass offers a great selection of new and used Bass & Cellos, and has a small selection of used violins. They also offer a repair service for any of those instruments. The business is focused on manufacturing Bass and Cellos right here in America. Bringing orchestral instrument manufacturing back to the States. The owners think it’s important for America to be involved with this industry. Music is a core aspect of humanity and it’s crucial we keep our country involved with its economy.

They also feel it’s important to keep instruments accessible for players of all budgets. Whether you’re a student or a professional player. You can find a great selection at a fair price point. They also offer Affirm for those who would rather pay on a payment plan, making their instruments even more accessible.

Upton Bass

Believe it or not, the impact of this company is much larger than you would expect. The founders of the company also designed a new model and style for Bass and Cellos called “the Upton Setup,” which is now known worldwide. This style has become so popular it is seriously competing with many top European brands. The style focuses on comfort and response. Bringing in shells from Europe and completing them in America at first, Upton Bass was able to quickly make a name for itself. In 2006, they began manufacturing their instruments completely in-house. Learn more on the Upton Website.

23 Feb

Maine Truck Lettering

Maine Truck Lettering from Sebago Signworks is an excellent way to brand your truck at an affordable price. If you own a business and use your own vehicle or have trucks or other vehicles specifically for your business, you should have branding on it. Vehicle wraps and truck lettering are a specialty of Sebago Signworks. Driving around means you cross paths with hundreds if not thousands of people who are local to your area. It’s the best kind of marketing you can get. If you make house calls or even B2B services, people notice your vehicle in the parking lot. While they may mistake you for being on break if you are at a restaurant or gas station, most people can tell when a vehicle is parked for work vs rest.

Maine Truck Lettering

One of the best ways you can market your business is by word of mouth. But what is often left out is word of the eyes. People see way more than they talk about, and if they see your vehicles all over the place, they will think of you when it comes time to need your services, even if they don’t want to. They may not remember the number on your Truck, but they will remember the name and how to find your business online. So don’t hesitate! If you have a fleet of trucks or vehicles, or just one. It’s time to utilize the unlimited marketing capacity of drivers. And you might get recommendations just from being noticed. Peers will let each other know they’ve seen your trucks all over and might be worth checking out.

Be careful though, being identifiable means you’ll need to present yourself accordingly. If you are an aggressive or unsafe driver, this could work against you. People may actually complain about your business’s bad drivers online and in person. So drive carefully!

Contact Sebago Signworks today to get started!

23 Feb

Historic Remodeling

Historic remodeling from Kronenberger & Sons is an excellent way to bring your old home or building from that worn and tired look back to its original glory. Old homes and buildings have a way of bringing a special feeling to most people. We appreciate the aesthetic of our history. It’s worth keeping old historic buildings, and in doing so we must also maintain them. That means when doors, windows, and other classic fixtures become worn or lose functionality, we must restore them. One benefit of this is that you can have the harmful materials of old removed. Lead and asbestos are both commonly used materials until the 1970’s. This gives you an opportunity to not only restore beautiful pieces of your home or historic property but also to make the environment of that building safer.

Historic Remodeling

Kronenberger & Sons prides itself in not only restoring historic homes to their former glory but also in removing harmful materials, and their work as contractors. Kronenberger & Sons doesn’t just do historic restorations. They are excellent at that and it is the front of their business. However, they have also been contractors for home building, remodeling, and repair, regardless of historic status. They can even act as general contractor and manage your project for you. Their level of skill lends itself to a lot of work outside of the historic restoration category. That being said, they have an excellent track record of historic restorations from doors and windows all the way to chapels and clock towers. If you have a need for historic restoration, look no further than Kronenberger & Sons.

28 Jan

Utility Pole Installation

Utility Pole Installation from Private Power Services is the best way to add power or replace old poles on your property. You have two main choices when you install new power on your property. You can have new poles put in and run the power above ground, or you could choose to have it run underground. Private Power Services will gladly do either. With heavy equipment to dig trenches and holes, they could install underground conduits just as easily as installing a power pole. Of course, the underground line is much more expensive to have done, it is a more intricate and involved job. Hanging a power line from pole to pole is a much simpler setup. However, above-ground power lines are vulnerable to weather and trees.

Utility Pole Installation

You’ll need to decide if it’s more cost-effective to purchase above-ground power line installation and risk emergency repair, or an underground line for a higher price tag. Private Power Services will also clear obstructions and potential obstructions from your above-ground power lines path. So there are many things you can do to mitigate the risks of above-ground power lines. This is one reason they are more popular than underground power conduits.

Private Power Services can go over all the benefits and detractors if you contact them directly or through their website. They also provide many more services than just power line installation. In addition to their power services, they can use their equipment to install poles & netting for driving ranges and golf courses, as well as privacy walls to protect neighborhoods from highway noise and debris.

28 Jan

Maine Web Design

Maine Web Design help with Castle Media is a great way to beef up the content of your website while maintaining a professional image. Castle Media is a content creation service that helps you improve, or create written content for your website. They can also write your blogs, newsletters, and press release copy. Written content is crucial for the success of any website. It’s true, too many words can bog down the look, but having the right number of written content for your site makes it more marketable and appealing to potential customers.

Maine Web Design

Castle Media is partnered with Zebralove Web Solutions to provide you with extensive web design options. Capable of complete custom coding, and simple edits and design adjustments, Castle Media & Zebralove can give your website a complete makeover, or just a modern refresher. Don’t hesitate to contact them. Upgrade your website now. If you wait it may lose you potential customers. Websites are very important, and people are very selective. If your website looks old, it may be passed over to a competitor who looks much more modern. It’s important to keep your website updated about every two years at most. Additionally, you should make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

Don’t wait until next month or later this year. Grow your business by improving your website. Update your content to reflect the professional services you want people to know about. Have SEO work done to your site and improve your Google Ranking. Increase the video content on your site to attract more visitors. Learn more and contact Castle Media on their website.

28 Jan

Arborist Rope

Arborist Rope from the Rope Guru is the best way to get the best/safest rope you need for the job. The Rope Guru is here to provide the best rope on the market. Modern rope made of newer materials, with specific creation for your application. Meaning they have multiple types of rope for various purposes. They can absolutely tell you which one is best for the job you are doing. Arbor work is not the safest of jobs. As great as you may be and safety conscious, old rope can fail unexpectedly. It’s important to make sure your rope arsenal is top-notch.

Arborist Rope

Arborist Rope

The Rope Guru comes from the rope industry. Jamie Goddard has been in the rope safety service, and sales for over 20 years before opening The Rope Guru. His goal is to help Mainers, and anyone, who needs rope advice and the right information to do the job they need done safely. Tree branches swinging around after being cut is something you should have great rope for. The last thing you need is a branch hitting a home or car, or even worse, a person, because of poor rope quality.

With new polymer ropes made stronger than steel chains, ropes that don’t absorb water, and thus can’t freeze or sink, and more modern innovations to rope materials, there are a lot of types of rope to choose from. So instead of playing a guessing game, or trying to research it and decide for yourself, take a few minutes and contact The Rope Guru.

19 Jan

Maine Roofing Contractor

Maine Roofing Contractor 4Leaf Construction is ready to make your dream a reality. Hire them to build a new home or building, or for add-on projects, renovations, roofing and siding projects, excavations and site prep, and solar installations. 4Leaf Construction is ready and able to get the job done. Contact them today or visit their website to learn more.

Maine Roofing Contractor

Roofing specialists at 4Leaf Construction are ready to help you repair, or replace your old roof. There are many tell-tale signs of roofing and siding issues, like discoloration, stains, dampness indoors, or bulging of ceilings or walls. Another sign and big issue is mold. If you notice mold is growing in your home, this is not just a sign of a leaking roof or siding, but a health hazard. If you discover black mold, this can be a serious health issue. For this reason and the structural issues water damage can bring, it’s crucial to repair these issues as soon as you discover them. Black mold can grow behind walls and in damn spaces that are hard to see. Check your home for other signs, but if mold is discovered, it’s best to do a thorough check for its source.

Don’t let water damage destroy your home. Call 4Leaf Construction to fix your siding and roof. Check your home today. If you notice any of the tell-tale signs, call for an inspection. 4Leaf will come and inspect your home. They will make you aware of any and all issues. They can recommend how to go about fixing them, sometimes on your own without needing to hire them. Don’t hesitate, contact them today!