19 Jan

Southern Maine Plumbing

Southern Maine Plumbing from Gelinas HVAC is there when you have issues or emergencies. HVAC professionals are fully capable plumbers more often than not. Gelinas HVAC is no exception to this. They have a whole line of plumbing services they provide to homeowners and renters. Don’t forget them when you have a plumbing emergency in Southern Maine, or if you’ve noticed a small leak or even an issue with your faucet.

Southern Maine Plumbing

Southern Maine Plumbing

Gelinas HVAC is a great resource for your needs. They can cover your entire system, they can fix issues with your septic tank and sewage drains, they can repair sump pumps in your basement, your water heater, service fixtures and faucets in your home, and provide energy-efficient upgrades. Gelinas can also work on lawn care irrigation and sprinklers. If water runs through it, and is supposed to, they can handle the repair. If your roof is leaking, don’t call Gelinas HVAC, but if your faucet or pipes are, definitely call them.

In addition to their plumbing services, Gelinas is also a central air & heating company. They can install new plumbing and air conditioners, as well as heaters. Not only central air but also heat pumps. Heat pumps are becoming very popular for how well they heat and cool small to medium-sized homes, and act as supplemental temperature control in larger homes which may have areas where central air doesn’t reach well.

Gelinas can also perform inspections and maintenance on your existing systems. If there are any issues they will discuss it with you and can install new equipment to increase your home’s efficiency.