19 Apr

Interlocking Weather Stripping : Accurate Machine Made

Did you know that interlocking weather stripping has a long history? For 34 years, our window and door restoration company, Bagala Window Works, relied on the original Accurate Metal Interlocking Weatherstrip Company’s exceptional quality products and quick turnaround time. All contractors and installers, large or small, rely on supplier expertise, quality manufacturing, and fast service. All things change with time and retirement led to opportunity. Today, we own the original company’s machinery so that Accurate Machine Made can offer this same level of service to all of the end-users of the weatherstrip we manufacture. We’ve made ordering even easier with online ordering, pricing and payment!

The Accurate Metal Weatherstrip Company began business as Acme Weatherstrip in 1898 in Mount Vernon, New York, and five generations of the Kammerer family made Accurate a national pioneer in the development of better, more efficient weatherstripping.

For over 100 years, Accurate used their custom designed and built roll forming machinery to make metal interlocking weatherstripping and spring bronze weatherstripping for windows and doors. Many professional installers, including our parent company, Bagala Window Works, depended on these outstanding products to deliver the best solutions for customers, and protect our heritage by saving wooden windows and doors. Time rolled on and shifts were made, leading to our current offering.

Today, five of the original Accurate brand time-tested, custom-made, roll forming machines have been purchased by Bagala Window Works, a Maine based family-owned business that has preserved and weatherstripped thousands of heritage windows and doors for customers all over the United States. We operate this business as Accurate Machine Made Weatherstrip, and deeply appreciate our ability to help other installers and contractors continue to improve efficiency and save wooden windows and doors.

Interlocking weather stripping is just one of the many fine products we offer to keep your home comfortable and energy efficient.